Podcast Fix the World, Episode 13, Review Questions, buzzsprout.com/2193219
Episode 1
1. What are your choices regarding the state of our world?
2. What change does this podcast advocate?
3. How can you make a better future for our kids and their kids?
4. What dream are we all born with?
5. Don’t we outgrow it?
6. Why is the world as it is?
7. How can we make a better world?
8. What does continued survival of the human species demand of humans?
9. Summarize the distribution of wealth.
10. What brings you more of what you really want, buying or donating?
11. At a dollar/day/hungry person, how much would it cost to end hunger?
12. How much does the U.S. spend on humanitarian foreign aid?
13. What do you really want, and how will you get it?
Episode 2
14. What’s the most popular answer to “What do you want?”
15. What’s wrong with that answer?
16. Does almost half the world’s population live on less than $5.50/day?
17. What is empathy?
18. At any given time, are most moms sick, scared, sad, hungry, or all the above?
19. How can you be happy knowing the answer to #18 above?
20. What’s being taught at school?
21. What makes us different and better than the animals?
22. How much money is spent globally each year on junk?
23. If the money spent on junk were equally divided among the four billion poorest people, how much would each receive?
24. Would that be enough to end hunger and poverty?
Episode 3
25. What does it mean to be an educated person?
26. Can education be measured by academic degrees or honors?
27. When you can’t do everything, what should you do?
28. What is most important?
29. What makes your answer to the above correct?
30. Why have the MDG not been achieved?
31. How can we fix the world?
Episode 4
32. What’s the biggest challenge of our time, and why is it that?
33. Why are people hungry?
34. Do we need a new “Green Revolution” or genetically engineered plants?
35. Should we help poor people grow food?
36. Comment on the world harvest of corn, wheat, rice, and soybeans.
37. What would it cost to supply the world with adequate vitamins and minerals.
38. Explain how some people consume much more than their fair share of food.
39. Comment on the ethics of converting animals to food for maximum profit.
40. Comment on the environmental consequences of meat.
41. Comment on the personal health consequences of meat.
42. Comment on the conversion of grain to alcohol.
Episode 5
43. If all the world’s money were divided equally among all adults, how much would each have?
44. How much does the poor half of the people spend per day or per year?
45. Can I get richer except by making others poorer?
46. The richest 10% of the world’s people own what percent of the world’s stuff?
47. The poorest 50% of the world’s people own what percent of the world’s stuff?
48. What will be our principal concern for the remainder of human time on earth?
49. For everyone to have enough, what must happen?
50. Do we earn our stations in life, or are they acquired by luck?
51. What two things must happen, to end poverty?
52. How do we make them happen?
Episode 6
53. What percentage of kids complete elementary schooling?
54. Is the world better as a result?
55. If more kids are educated, but the world is not better as a result, what does that mean?
56. Is reading, writing, and arithmetic of primary or first importance?
57. What is of primary or first importance?
58. Without knowing that answer, what are kids reading, writing, and calculating about?
59. What is of primary or first importance?
60. What does it mean to be an educated person?
61. Are all people equal in worth because all differences between people are due to luck?
62. Some people work hard for their success, while others loaf, how can that be due to luck?
63. Can you take credit for luck?
63. Why should we love others as self?
64. Why is no one entitled to extra until everyone has enough?
65. What is love?
66. What is the most important thing you can do?
67. Is that most important thing taught in school?
68. What is freedom?
69. Is it taught in school?
70. What is taught in every class in every grade in every normal school and college?
Episode 7
71. Explain why gender equity is greater now than ever and so are the world’s problems.
72. Are the genders equal?
73. Which gender is naturally stronger and more aggressive?
74. Which gender is more focused on children and more empathetic?
75. Which of the above traits do we want in world leaders?
76. Gender equality is a myth that must be replaced by what?
77. How do we accomplish that replacement?
Episode 8
78. Are the vast majority of child deaths worldwide preventable at low cost?
79. Why are child deaths lower now than ever and world problems worse now than ever?
80. What is the principal cause of child deaths?
81. What is GOBI?
82. What is the international poverty line?
83. How much money is needed to prevent all preventable child deaths worldwide?
84. Give a context for appreciating the size of this amount?
85. How much does U.S. spend on foreign aid?
86. How much do Americans donate to charity?
87. Why do millions of kids worldwide continue to die of easily preventable causes?
Episode 9
88. What would it cost to end preventable maternal deaths and meet family needs?
89. What is the cause of gender-based violence?
90. What is at the root of gender-based violence and the reason the world needs fixing?
91. Ending gender-based violence requires a commitment to what?
92. Is this answer taught in school?
93. Is that why violence is prevalent and the world needs fixing?
94. What percent of wives report being sexually satisfied by their husbands?
95. If most wives do not want regular sex with their husbands, why do they have it?
96. Does that constitute rape?
97. Is marriage an attempt to legalize rape? 98. How can we protect against that kind of marriage?
Episode 10
99. How many die respectively annually from cardiovascular disease, cancer, hunger, infection?
100. How do victims of the first two differ from those of the last two causes of death?
101. What is the best protection against infection?
102. Comment on the cost-effectiveness of safe water and sanitation.
103. Comment on drinking water from disposable plastic bottles.
104. Comment on antibiotic use and the pandemic of antibiotic resistance
105. How do food animals relate to risk of human risk of infection.
106. Comment on neglected tropical diseases.
107. How does squalor anywhere affect risk of infection everywhere?
Episode 11
108. Why are we losing the fight to preserve our eco-system?
109. What is the first priority?
110. What makes your answer to #109 correct?
111. What is the preliminary requirement for attacking eco-destruction?
112. What is the cause of all that’s wrong with the world?
113. What is necessary for eco-restoration?
114. What is the best way to begin to save the eco-system?
Episode 12
115. How has the percent of people with a college education changed over time?
116. How has the state of the world changed over time?
118. What’s wrong with the world?
119. What does education foster?
120. What kind of change in college do we need?
121. What is the definitive proof of the failure of education?
122. How do colleges relate to each other?
123. Name an alternative college.
124. What’s the motto?
125. What’s the mission?
126. What’s the strategy?
127. What’s the curriculum?
128. What are the assignments?
129. What is the reward for completing the assignments correctly?
130. Who can attend this college, and at what cost?
Review questions from episodes on Podcast Fix the World, buzzsprout.com/2193219