Fix the World:

8 Weeks for a better world
Created and taught by Doug Dix, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor, University of Hartford, and Secretary/Treasurer, MOMS: The Fund for Mothers with Young Children, (Dix@hartford.edu)
Eight 2hr. sessions via Zoom
Every Monday 7:00PM-9:00PM
Running: 9/30/24 - 11/18/24​
Promote the lifestyle, which, if adequately replicated, would make the world safer, healthier, and fairer for all children, and
Replicate this course, or some version of it, at your home facility.
Free of charge with a $150 honorarium for perfect participation
To be eligible for this seminar, applicants must currently serve as full-time college faculty, public or private school administrators, business chief executives, government leaders, or congregation-leading clergy. Ten spots are available.
To apply: Submit proof of current employment, a recommendation from a colleague, your resume, and an essay of 700 words or less on:
a) why you want to take this course
b) how you plan to fulfill objectives
Submit to Doug Dix at Dix@hartford.edu. Put “MOMS Course” in the subject space. If you don’t hear back in a few days, please resend. Applications will be accepted from now until August 20, 2024, or until all positions are filled
Tentative Topics We'll Cover
What do you want? Why do you want it? What’s your plan to get it? How’s your plan working so far? How can I help?
The state of the world
What does it mean to be an educated person?
Fighting Hunger
Fighting Poverty
Ensuring Universal Primary Education
Promoting Female Empowerment
Fighting Preventable Childhood Diseases
Protecting Mothers and Children
Fighting Infectious Diseases
Protecting Human Habitat
Cultivating a Global Partnership for Development
Promoting Public Health by International Triage
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and UN Sustainable Development Goals
Review and Conclusion
Request: Participants are free to do as they please with their honoraria. But it would be useful to MOMS, for evaluative purposes, to know how the honoraria are spent. So, each recipient is asked to notify MOMS of how the honorarium was spent, and whether or not seminar objectives were fulfilled and how. Thanks for considering this request.